Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Desiree Marie-Cay Ruggiero Darnell on her 14th

Dearest Desiree:
'Just 'cause I'm an old billy goat gruff, who waits at the stone bridge, my purpose is to ward off unfriendlier strangers who might vandalize our efforts here in Warwick off Canterbury in Chopperfield, just west of Sheepfold Nottingham. Let me explain:

..when a woman loves a man she is very motivated to make duplicates of herself. to do that she of course needs the spirit and DNA of a partner she favors... that's where I fit in, Mom really favors me, and says she cannot stay mad at me.

That is how our combo-platter of beauty and wit, smarts and personality, brilliance and passion is born -- you at 3:58 AM one 1993 winter morn. It did snow a few flurries as neighbors ran in to see the miracle, and your wise Nanna landed at O'hare field, just like in Jesus' days. You were surrounded with impassioned mothers and fathers.

You have humble beginnings, yes, but it means you were most wanted, because we made special time for your pregnancy. It will be repeated during your lifetime, just wait and see. You have never been a second thought, but original choice made by your parents (and a few hundred cousins, aunts, twice removed nieces and nephews, brothers sister, uncles... )

Your days have been your own all your life starting on that predawn morning, so far, no one has taken over your life in any way. choices you make have been very good, and if there is a glitch it is forgiven before it even happens.

i have the role as guard of the bridge, billy goat gruff, and i like being that for you an
d Pat2,because it is a role I not only play, but also a role I am learning. however, all the guarding in the world cannot keep you from living, struggling, and encountering formidable foes and trolls along the spanse of your time-line bridge. i function best as the one who might gather you up when you fall, or dance with you when no one else will do. Your strength is in knowing who you are and how you fit in. It is the guiding light in all your encounters.

it is not easy for you but please learn in your heart your own answer for "Why Dad is so gruff?" and then you can know more about the nature of conquering fear, and having daily break-throughs. 'Like one of my era songs: "...your father's hell will slowly go bye..." (Crosby, Stills, and Nash)

Have you ever noticed -- each of my breakdowns is followed by one of your break-throughs!?

Our first effort together has been my wish for you to be very comfortable with a good understanding of profound supreme knowledge of where you landed once out of Mommy! For instance know how special you are, as in what your name means... So allow me review how you fulfill your name in all its meanings:

Who are you?
Desiree is the desire of mankinds' desiring joy, Bach wrote it, and your Mommy joyously called you that while you were gently kicking her tummy. For nine months you were intra-womb, Mom and Dad took you to sing every Sunday at a little cliquish church that was so full of passion that I often wonder how we managed to be part of that, but we were and did, and Mommy over came her fear of singing in front of people.

We were like the gospel duet every Sunday morning. Mom and I stood with microphone in hands in front of the small congreagation, and sang as you swam her womb. Believe you me you remember those songs. When you were just born you would turn your head toward us when we sang them, we were so cool, with lots of beat and syncopation....

Marie Cay -- first it rhymes with Desiree, and it is my thoughts of what is desired by most all the world, it is a cozy cay where at high tide a sail boat can be anchored and secured overnight, while the people go ashore and camp under a star filled night. We have had some of that when we built campfires and stayed outside till you and Patrick fall asleep in our laps... only to be wakened for a few minutes to brush your teeth.

Marie is one of several names given to the universal woman, a spirit of all religious-political-anthropological connections, of all cultures around the earth. Other names are like Venus, Eve, and so on. In all cases it represents mother of hope. In the end there are three things -- there is hope, faith and charity. Charity is another word for love. Love is a part of a mathematical triad of these three, and one will not exist without the other. Add those three corners together to equal 180 degrees that is your timeline stretching into eternity in both directions. Each one of the corners of this triangle is represented in all human relationships, and more importantly, in your and god's communications to each other.. growing older lets you have the time to encounter each of our three sacred values.

Ruggiero represents the magic that is part of every child's universe. Not only do you slay dragons in chopperfield, you fly with ease to Italia and rest and relax with your wise and beautiful aunts and uncles, zia y zio's. Or to parlay in deus machina. Part Texan, part Illinoisian, large part Foggian; and that's a fact, no brag; just fact.

Darnell is a humble word which means the chaff that is blown away when wheat is tossed up in the wind. It is a technique that is used by gleaners and farmers, and also God. We are a bundle of unwanted gentle gentile chaff that would have been thrown off, and left to cover the sacred ground, if not for hope, faith and love that lifts us to sacred levels. for your name alone you are special, and sacred , and for me my one person of eight I most want to guard. As you will see for all the years hence most guards are gruffs, billy goats ready to butt heads with any three trolls...

Our next event to conquer is about responsibility. This is a confusing word because it really means ability to respond, not the other mundane and over used meaning. my ability to respond has been destroyed as of late and i am trying to regroup but fell like am sliding down a slope at all levels of response.

There is my birthday wish for "us" and not a minute too soon, probably late and that is because you came out like a spinning top, and spinning in such a glorious way, that i became enamoured in your ease and lucidity. thank you for coming on down here to my lowly state of darnel to be my daughter. you changed my life forever, for the best, from the moment mommy said your name to me.

I Love U Doo Doo Dooseroo!! Daddy

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Many Different Phases of Yours Truly...

during my seventh grade year...

my summer vacation

Thursday, November 8, 2007

How do i start?

There's just so much to write about...
I really don't know where to start.
Life has just been...
Yes, that's the word...
I haven't heard from my buddy, Matt, so that can tell you something.
One of my closest friends is not doing so well right now...
I've been working every weekend, lately... but hey,
I'm not complaining.
The thought of death has been crossing my mind lately. No, I'm not going suicidal... But the specific thought is.... "WHAT IF I DIED TEN MINUTES FROM NOW?"
Like, what I mean by it is that I'm still deciding on my future goals. I have regrets left behind and apologies that remain in my head. I wonder how many people would miss me, or how many people would be happy of my death. I also wonder if I could make it to heaven or God would perish me into hell.
I know that I would miss my mommy and daddy, and definitely my little brother.
I know that I would leave behind my huge family in Italy, and my small family, here in America.
I know that Zoe, Ashla, Megan, Grayson, Kevin, Manuel, Jessy, and SO many more of my friends would have lost someone who meant so much to them.
I'd leave behind a dog, who's bark is just so annoying, but is the sexiest beast alive.
My youth group will be missing a member.
Mrs. Conaway wouldn't have a student to give a hug to in the hallway any longer.
**You would no longer be reading this blog anymore.**
I have three big brothers and one sister I look forward to seeing again later on in life.
Man, I haven't even begun yet. There is SO much more in life to look forward to.
It's amazing... Just amazing on how many thoughts come to mind.
Just with that one topic.
That's enough of that...
How about this.
I'm tired, and all I want to do is sleep.
My foot is succeeding at that task because of the awkward way that I'm sitting at the moment.
Tomorrow we have an assembly going on.
Yes, I said it...
It's a total snore fest, and I get to sit through the whole hour of it.
But it seems as if it is two hours long.
Nah... four minimum.
But hey, it's for a good cause...
At least that's what they tell us.
Okay, I'm tired. Time for shut eye.
d3z iZ oUt

Friday, October 26, 2007


Well I just heard the news today
It seems my life is going to change
I closed my eyes begin to pray
Then tears of joy stream down my face

She seemed dressed in all of me
Stretched across my shame
All the torment and the pain
Leaped through and covered me
I'd do anything to have her to myself
Just to have her for myself
Now I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do
When she makes me sad

Restless tonight
'cause I wasted the light
Between all these times
I drew a really thin line
It's nothing I've planned
And nothing I can
But you should be mine
Across that line
If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing Wouldn't that be something

Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman.
Maybe he won't find out what I know
You were the last good thing about this part of town.
When I wake up, I'm willing to take my chances on the hope
I forget that you hate him more than you notice
I wrote this for you

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true
Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice it's my disguise
I'm by your side

When I see your smile
Tears run down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm stronger I've figured out
How this world turns cold and breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one
Cause you're my, you're my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cause I'm here for you
Please don't walk away,
Please tell me you'll stay, stay
Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray

The weather has been wonderful this past week.
The cold helps frisk me, which is much needed.
Things seem to be a lot better, but I still miss my buddy... I really do.
Nobody in school knows that I have been upset lately, which is kind of nice.

I really miss my big brother.

Halloween is coming up this Wednesday, and I am totally psyched.
Hopefully I get to spend some time with Megan... I really hope so.
I haven't seen or talked to her in a few weeks.
Even though she lives just down the street, I miss the crap out of her.

This weekend I am working again, but it should be pretty fun,
because we are going to have our own little Halloween.
And the kids that run around are going to be very adorable...
Saturday is probably going to be a little busier than usual.
But I'm not holding my breathe for it.

I pray that mom has a decent weekend selling our products, and that Vinnie is doing fine, o'er yonder.
I pray that my friend's [who remains anonymous] father
remains strong while fighting his prostate cancer....
I hope he is going to survive... after seven long years of living in pain.
I pray for myself, for the ability to lift my average in Mrs. Taylor's class, along with not losing it with two snobby boys.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Matthew Murphy, Where Are You?

It is truly amazing how something so special can just...
disappear within a blink of an eye.
Someone I held dear to me since the sixth grade has been gone for a week.
No, he is not dead, but it really feels like he is.
I probably will never get to see him again. He has been taken into CPS,
and I am afraid for him.
I hope he is somewhere safe now, and with someone who cares
about him. Because now, that is what he really needs.
It sucks because he looked me in the eyes and told me
everything was going to be okay.
It's not, it really isn't okay. I haven't heard a word from him.
This is what happens when you care too much about people. It just tears me apart.
It really does....
What's left to do??
I guess I just have to find out the answer on my own.

Why am I left here to suffer?

USDA Approved Web Log -- D D is the best!!!!!
"Come on, get off your asses, and write, write, write!" -- says MooPig Wisdom
"What a gell -- can't believe everytime I come here, I hear new music. I thought at first it was the second coming!" -- Christian Sci-Psy Search

found this heart layout at HOTFreeLayouts.com

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ti Amo Vincenzo

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I keep asking myself,
"Why did HE have to leave us?"
Without him so far, this house isn't home anymore. It really isn't. I miss my big brother. I really do.
He left a couple of hours ago... and I'm trying not to think about it.
It kills me to know that when I wake up in during the middle of the night to get some water, he won't be there...
typing away on his computer.
When I gave him a hug before he left,

I couldn't let go of him. I became greedy. I wanted him to stay.
I wanted him all to myself.
Yes, I know that I have to move on, and life WILL go on, but it feels
like something has been torn out of my soul. I'm completely...
It's going to be hard for me, but I should be able to get over it. I know I can handle it.
I love my big bro, I really do.

And it is true...

You DON'T know what you've got 'til it's gone.
I miss him so much.
But I know that he has a great future to look forward to. He really does.
I love you Vinnie.
"So long, and goodnight"

Sunday, September 30, 2007

let's see...
cuz I'ma miss my big bro
JuSt cuz I'm n0t Sl33P1ng aS mUch As i shouLd
BeCauS3 i f33l Luv3d
I hav3 tHe 3M0 s0nG sTuck 1n mY h3ad

Friday, September 28, 2007


What Hurts The Most

It hurts so much when I look at pictures of this summer. I was so happy in Italy. I felt as if I belonged there. All of my family was so welcoming...
I feel empty now.
I love my family here, but I miss that part of Italy I had left behind. I miss my life loving, little cousins that would run around as if there were no troubles in the world. They were just so...
I remember when the little ones would look up at me, and I could see all the love they could ever offer, in their beautiful eyes.
I feel so unhappy around certain people.
Especially at school.
People don't understand why.
They just enjoy seeing people hurt. They don't see what they do to others.
I feel as if I have to watch over kids,
as if I'm their mother.
I feel like a mother.
Like my father told me...
I have so much love to offer.
Do people intend to use that from me?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

*♥ANY true FRIENDS available♥*

I'm looking for a true friend.
The qualities have to be like this. You
must enjoy hugging. You cannot leave me for somebody else.
Will you...
be able to laugh even when times are hard, because I don't like for you to be sad.
You have to enjoy
talks about love, life, and music. Promise
me you will never lie to me. Please be there when I'm not feeling
well, and call me when I'm sad or severely sick. Will you be able to keep strong when
I cry on your shoulder?
Are you able to
stay up all night long, and party in an unusual, but fun way?
Promise me that you will be true to me, and I will return that favor.
Are you capable of running around in public places, acting as if nobody is there.
You cannot think Halloween is childish,
because it is the funnest holiday ever existing. Will you be able to wrestle with me, and face it when you don't win? Can we jump on hey bells and act as if we rule the world?
Would you believe me if I told you "I Love You" in an unconditional way?
Would you be able to grow old with me, and still feel the same way about each other from the beginning?
Can we run around outside catching fat grasshoppers and sticking them in an old rum bottle, and watch them get intoxicated by the fumes? Can we stay up past midnight making up stories about drawings?
Can we talk about past dreams that both scared us and made us happy?
Can we make a mess at the park out of dirt, water, rocks, and an old jacket that was laying around? Will you hold my hand when we walk outside when the rain is freezing cold, and the wind is piercing?
Will you go on an adventure with me?
Could and would you protect me from the boogie man?
If I were completely mad at something you did, or you, would you forgive me if I yelled at you?
Would you put undies on your head with me and run around the house, yelling
"I didn't take the cookies!"
You can trust me with anything, but the question is...
Will you be there if I get my heart broken?
Please hold my hand so I don't feel lonely anymore.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I thought these were really cute!

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


There is allot of things I tried hiding from in my short life, especially these past two years. The thing I was so afraid of is actually the best thing I hold dear to me now. My family is always here for me, and will always be there waiting with loving faces. I just wanted to say how much I love them for that.
See, I have this relationship with my little brother that could be much, much stronger and healthier. I feel as if I have failed on being an older sister, because I'm not the nicest person towards him. But what the kid doesn't know is, that I really love him. I really do! I freak out when I get the slightest feeling something might happen to him. It hurts knowing that I might have damaged him, by showing him how mean a female can be. But a smile comes to my face when I hear him singing while he is on the toilet, or giggling at anything on television, and how he grows anger in his eyes when he tries to protect me from enemies. I really love this kid.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Saturday, September 8, 2007


I don't know what I'm doing... but in a slight way it is amusing me, but is very, very aggravating. GIRRRRR!!! Typing without looking is very annoying!
time to go now!!
No, not quite time yet!
Bored bored Bored bored Bored bored Bored bored...
Okay, bye bye now!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I c@Nn0t b3L1ev3 Th1s!!

Well, school started on Monday the 27...
it went pretty well. I got to see my friends and I learned my teachers are awesome... but I still don't enjoy tech apps. But besides that, all the teachers are cool.
The only thing I cannot stand is "the group". OH MY GOSH!!! The majority of the group are total backstabbers, and the funny thing is... the people who got it bad by the group, still hang around as if they're life is so depended of them. Surprisingly I've been letting it go, instead of letting it eat me away... and I'm very proud of myself.
I have my own little group going... I hang with the kids who don't back stab and who could care less about what other people have to say about them. They were also treated the way I am now.. so we now all know how cruel everyone there is. I completely cut my life off from all the people in that group, so they don't have anything to use against me. I really keep to myself, but I let my emotions flow out when I write, so I'm good for now.
I've noticed how much fun school really can be. Since I just started my eighth grade year, I feel much more confident about my education. I noticed that I am much more outgoing in ALL of my classes, and that I participate more. I even enjoy studying now! Dramatic change, much?? :)Well, I better get off of the computer, I feel a headache start up, along with a stuffy nose. Yuppers, everybody is getting a cold. I'll try to update my writing around next week, if I get a chance to get on...
D3Z iZ 0uT!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My Introduction

♥ This is my first post created for this blog. I'm not so familiar with the whole system, so you gotta give me credit for just randomly creating my own special blog... So people, if you want to post, then feel free. Just, keep it clean, I don't want drama on this blog, because I've already had enough of it in my life. ♥