Thursday, November 8, 2007

How do i start?

There's just so much to write about...
I really don't know where to start.
Life has just been...
Yes, that's the word...
I haven't heard from my buddy, Matt, so that can tell you something.
One of my closest friends is not doing so well right now...
I've been working every weekend, lately... but hey,
I'm not complaining.
The thought of death has been crossing my mind lately. No, I'm not going suicidal... But the specific thought is.... "WHAT IF I DIED TEN MINUTES FROM NOW?"
Like, what I mean by it is that I'm still deciding on my future goals. I have regrets left behind and apologies that remain in my head. I wonder how many people would miss me, or how many people would be happy of my death. I also wonder if I could make it to heaven or God would perish me into hell.
I know that I would miss my mommy and daddy, and definitely my little brother.
I know that I would leave behind my huge family in Italy, and my small family, here in America.
I know that Zoe, Ashla, Megan, Grayson, Kevin, Manuel, Jessy, and SO many more of my friends would have lost someone who meant so much to them.
I'd leave behind a dog, who's bark is just so annoying, but is the sexiest beast alive.
My youth group will be missing a member.
Mrs. Conaway wouldn't have a student to give a hug to in the hallway any longer.
**You would no longer be reading this blog anymore.**
I have three big brothers and one sister I look forward to seeing again later on in life.
Man, I haven't even begun yet. There is SO much more in life to look forward to.
It's amazing... Just amazing on how many thoughts come to mind.
Just with that one topic.
That's enough of that...
How about this.
I'm tired, and all I want to do is sleep.
My foot is succeeding at that task because of the awkward way that I'm sitting at the moment.
Tomorrow we have an assembly going on.
Yes, I said it...
It's a total snore fest, and I get to sit through the whole hour of it.
But it seems as if it is two hours long.
Nah... four minimum.
But hey, it's for a good cause...
At least that's what they tell us.
Okay, I'm tired. Time for shut eye.
d3z iZ oUt

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