Sunday, September 30, 2007

let's see...
cuz I'ma miss my big bro
JuSt cuz I'm n0t Sl33P1ng aS mUch As i shouLd
BeCauS3 i f33l Luv3d
I hav3 tHe 3M0 s0nG sTuck 1n mY h3ad

Friday, September 28, 2007


What Hurts The Most

It hurts so much when I look at pictures of this summer. I was so happy in Italy. I felt as if I belonged there. All of my family was so welcoming...
I feel empty now.
I love my family here, but I miss that part of Italy I had left behind. I miss my life loving, little cousins that would run around as if there were no troubles in the world. They were just so...
I remember when the little ones would look up at me, and I could see all the love they could ever offer, in their beautiful eyes.
I feel so unhappy around certain people.
Especially at school.
People don't understand why.
They just enjoy seeing people hurt. They don't see what they do to others.
I feel as if I have to watch over kids,
as if I'm their mother.
I feel like a mother.
Like my father told me...
I have so much love to offer.
Do people intend to use that from me?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

*♥ANY true FRIENDS available♥*

I'm looking for a true friend.
The qualities have to be like this. You
must enjoy hugging. You cannot leave me for somebody else.
Will you...
be able to laugh even when times are hard, because I don't like for you to be sad.
You have to enjoy
talks about love, life, and music. Promise
me you will never lie to me. Please be there when I'm not feeling
well, and call me when I'm sad or severely sick. Will you be able to keep strong when
I cry on your shoulder?
Are you able to
stay up all night long, and party in an unusual, but fun way?
Promise me that you will be true to me, and I will return that favor.
Are you capable of running around in public places, acting as if nobody is there.
You cannot think Halloween is childish,
because it is the funnest holiday ever existing. Will you be able to wrestle with me, and face it when you don't win? Can we jump on hey bells and act as if we rule the world?
Would you believe me if I told you "I Love You" in an unconditional way?
Would you be able to grow old with me, and still feel the same way about each other from the beginning?
Can we run around outside catching fat grasshoppers and sticking them in an old rum bottle, and watch them get intoxicated by the fumes? Can we stay up past midnight making up stories about drawings?
Can we talk about past dreams that both scared us and made us happy?
Can we make a mess at the park out of dirt, water, rocks, and an old jacket that was laying around? Will you hold my hand when we walk outside when the rain is freezing cold, and the wind is piercing?
Will you go on an adventure with me?
Could and would you protect me from the boogie man?
If I were completely mad at something you did, or you, would you forgive me if I yelled at you?
Would you put undies on your head with me and run around the house, yelling
"I didn't take the cookies!"
You can trust me with anything, but the question is...
Will you be there if I get my heart broken?
Please hold my hand so I don't feel lonely anymore.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I thought these were really cute!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


There is allot of things I tried hiding from in my short life, especially these past two years. The thing I was so afraid of is actually the best thing I hold dear to me now. My family is always here for me, and will always be there waiting with loving faces. I just wanted to say how much I love them for that.
See, I have this relationship with my little brother that could be much, much stronger and healthier. I feel as if I have failed on being an older sister, because I'm not the nicest person towards him. But what the kid doesn't know is, that I really love him. I really do! I freak out when I get the slightest feeling something might happen to him. It hurts knowing that I might have damaged him, by showing him how mean a female can be. But a smile comes to my face when I hear him singing while he is on the toilet, or giggling at anything on television, and how he grows anger in his eyes when he tries to protect me from enemies. I really love this kid.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Saturday, September 8, 2007


I don't know what I'm doing... but in a slight way it is amusing me, but is very, very aggravating. GIRRRRR!!! Typing without looking is very annoying!
time to go now!!
No, not quite time yet!
Bored bored Bored bored Bored bored Bored bored...
Okay, bye bye now!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I c@Nn0t b3L1ev3 Th1s!!

Well, school started on Monday the 27...
it went pretty well. I got to see my friends and I learned my teachers are awesome... but I still don't enjoy tech apps. But besides that, all the teachers are cool.
The only thing I cannot stand is "the group". OH MY GOSH!!! The majority of the group are total backstabbers, and the funny thing is... the people who got it bad by the group, still hang around as if they're life is so depended of them. Surprisingly I've been letting it go, instead of letting it eat me away... and I'm very proud of myself.
I have my own little group going... I hang with the kids who don't back stab and who could care less about what other people have to say about them. They were also treated the way I am now.. so we now all know how cruel everyone there is. I completely cut my life off from all the people in that group, so they don't have anything to use against me. I really keep to myself, but I let my emotions flow out when I write, so I'm good for now.
I've noticed how much fun school really can be. Since I just started my eighth grade year, I feel much more confident about my education. I noticed that I am much more outgoing in ALL of my classes, and that I participate more. I even enjoy studying now! Dramatic change, much?? :)Well, I better get off of the computer, I feel a headache start up, along with a stuffy nose. Yuppers, everybody is getting a cold. I'll try to update my writing around next week, if I get a chance to get on...
D3Z iZ 0uT!!