Saturday, August 23, 2008

something i found...

Desiree Darnell

Being raped of your nothingness... your
everything; your energy, time, effort, your passion.
Devastating is the word that comes to mind, when knowing the outcome... the outcome, and refusing to believe it.
Who is the one at fault? Is it you, because of your easy stupidity... for your compassion, or even stubborness? Or is it possibly the inflictor, the one who benefits?
As if a man... engulfed in a midnight veil, shadows over your light, casts his spell, then rids of your being with his magic... his syth... raping you of your sweet mortatlity, your spirit; purpose, life. What's next? And once again, I ask... Who is at fault?
Being left to whether with the rest of the dead... but only, you are left alive. Where do you go? Will you redeem who you once were? Not allowing the pest to thrive off of what you once were.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

July the 18th

My stomach has been caught in my throat thispast week and a half.
My perspectives on life have been changing quite often.
Baby Skylar has impacted my life.
At first, she seemed somewhat afraid of my presence.
Our hypothesis was she was not accustomed of people wearing glasses.
Silly, yes I know.
Untrue, I suppose.
She finally allowed me to hold her longer than a slight moment.
She smiled at me, while locking herself in a stare within my eyes.
That was overwhelmingly Perfect.
I finally received what i ultimately wished for.
To provide happiness for an innocent being.
Unfortunately their was a slight drama that followed just hours after.
Haley decided to incinerate some unwanted memories, plastered upon paper.
Her room was filled with an awful scent.
Self righteous teenagers...
The two of us.
"No, It's not going to burn through"
Ironically, it did.
A nice black hole.
The scent of burnt plastic overwhelming and powerful.

New Diary...

Okay... I have been bad about keeping up with my blog. So, the solution to that is an attempted daily "diary" post to the blog. Only, it's public. Besides, I honestly think Dad is going to be the only one reading this. Hehehe:).
TODAY was an okay day. we have been at lori's place since yesterday. that's mom, patrick, and i. mom's gonna be going home tomorrow morning. we'll be staying here.
i've just really been textin homies all day long. actually had a conversation with lori's son, john paul. even got his number. lol. he's perrrrty cool. so yeah... i got nothin much to say... so i'll continue on later.

Random Crap of the Day

The Dark Knight
That movie rocked my mind.
I actually sat through the whole movie without restless feet.
That is very unusual for me.
[[Just felt like saying that]]